Welcome To C13 Photography

A little info about me...

Hello and thank you for taking the time to learn a little more about me and my photography, I appreciate it.  Well I'm a 27 year old Disabled Combat Veteran, I served 4 years honorably with the United States Marine Corps.  I was a Logistician, that turned Infantry when I joined my unit back in November of 2001.  When I was with my unit, I started to deploy and I was able to see many parts of the world, some during combat action, and some not during combat action; I thoroughly enjoyed my time served and spent enlisted in the military, it was an experience not many will ever get to go through.  I was born and raised in Phoenix, AZ and lived there for the first part of my childhood, and then I moved to Florida in February 1994 with my Mother.

I started to dabble in photography when I was in high school; I was in 10th grade, so the year would've been 1997-1998, and I signed up for the Black & White photography & Film Processing class offered.  We got to shoot some older film cameras, learned how they worked inside and out, and then we were able to experiment with the equipment and move on to the negative processing to pictures process.  We were responsible for the upkeep of the camera, as well as printing quality pictures that would later be inspected by our teacher.  From that moment on, I knew that I loved photography, but I was looking for something that wouldn't require a photolab or dropping off pictures to be printed, so I chose to wait it out until I was able to handle and afford a Digital SLR camera. Now granted, I know that in the military they do offer jobs such as Combat Photographer, well no one told me about that when enlisting, and if I DID go that route, there's no guarantee I would've been able to experience what I have at such a young age.

For me, photography is more than just a hobby though;  It actually is more or less a therapeutic form of me treating and handling my Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  PTSD has taken many things away from me, but luckily photography allows me to enjoy what I do have left.

My primary focus for my photography is based around the wildlife and nature aspects, I do some portrait work from time to time, but I don't like to tell a person what to feel for the camera.  If I take pictures of a person, its usually without them knowing; while they're laughing or focusing on their surroundings.  I feel that when and if you tell a person/subject how to move or how to stand, you're not allowing that person to truly show and express their feelings and emotions.  That is just my theory behind it, and thus far, I haven't had many people tell me otherwise, if anything I have had people compliment my work as well as my approach and thoughts of portrait work.

My photos speak for me, I don't so much feel the need to speak for the photos.  All of the photos are mine, they are untouched and unaltered, I do not do any sort of touch ups or air brushing through photo editing programs.  What you see, is exactly what I saw through the viewfinder and captured through the lens, the only altering that I may carry out, is when I may tag my photo with the C13, or when I feel that the picture has a deeper meaning when formatted to black and white.  I prefer capturing all photos in color at first, just to maintain its color integrity, and there are always shots that don't look as good in black and white, that may look simply breath taking in full color, there are some sacrifices that must be made from time to time, but the photographs shouldn't be one of them.

Please enjoy your visit to my gallery, and come back periodically to check in and view the newest additions.  Thank you again for your time.

Semper Fidelis-
Franco Caro