Welcome To C13 Photography
Sorry for the massive delay, seems as though the Playstation 3 has taken over my free time, well...the combination of the PS3 and Modern Warfare 2 I should say technically.  Other than that, not much has been going on.  Due to the weather being so cold lately down here in Florida, I haven't been able to get out and do much of anything, the cold seems to like making my lower back hurt unlike anything I've encountered.  I was technically stuck in our apartment for just over a week because of my lower back acting up.  Spent a lot of time that week doing stim therapy with hot compress, and a whole lot of time on the PS3...only because the couch is way more comfortable than the computer chair.

Well, now that I'm all filled up as far as the gallery, I guess that means that I have to get back out there for some new pictures and hopefully some new places, for you and I to see.  Granted, i'm not complaining with what I have at hand as far as parks and attractions to go take pictures of, but I enjoy traveling, and having to drive to get some good pictures is worth it to me. 

So we'll see where I end up next!!  Until then, take care everyone and I hope you're enjoying the website and the new pictures that are posted up.

Semper Fi-