Welcome To C13 Photography
Well this is my first post towards my new site thats dedicated to my photography.  I've always had my friends and family tell me to make a website/portfolio so they could look at my pictures whenever they wanted to.  Well it took me a couple years and a lot of procrastinating, but I think I may be able to swing this.  We shall see, it'll be a journey i'm sure, but it'll be fun.

I do apologize in advance though, if it takes a while before I get  my gallery posted up, I have a lot of pictures to go through and make sure I like them and want everyone to see them, so you're patience is greatly appreciated.  For the time being, check back periodically to see what going on, each time I do an update, I'll be sure to pass the word around via Facebook, Twitter, or if you'd like through email, just click on the 'How You Can Contact Me' tab at the top of the screen.

Thank you again for your continued support!